Passive and Active Solar Retrofit on a Traditional Adobe
An older adobe home was transformed to become an efficient, modern house with a south facing sun room and a south facing two-story Trombe wall.
Highlighting the Sustainable, Renewable and Green Building Technologies of Passive (and Active!) Solar Design
An older adobe home was transformed to become an efficient, modern house with a south facing sun room and a south facing two-story Trombe wall.
A gleaming Quonset hut graces the top of the hill that was at one time the mission and village square that was the bustling center of Galisteo.
This is part 2 of a 2 part series. In this article, we see the current features of the passive solar house. Part 1 shows a photo progression that took place in the transition...
It is stunning to hear about and see the transformation from an old farm house to a modern, efficient passive solar house. Yes, it is the same house!
With planning and creativity, almost any structure can be retrofitted with passive solar design elements.